
Custom Products

Excalibur Business Class Custom IP Server/Security Gateway

Pandora's Box Residential Class Custom IP Server/Security Gateway

Branded Products

In order to ensure that we can provide our customers with best-of-breed solutions (through the auspices of Barnhard Associates, LLC) has a full line of branded products available through a combination of direct vendor relationships, distribution accounts, and strategic partnerships/joint sales agreements with other firms. If a product is needed can make whatever arrangements are necessary to assure timely procurement, delivery, installation, and support.


IBM Logo IBM Business Partner featuring desktop, laptop, workstation, and server solutions
Intel Logo Intel Product Dealer featuring processors, desktop mainboards, server mainboards, and server platforms
Netopia Logo Netopia Certified VAR featuring a full range of router solutions
Toshiba Logo Toshiba Reseller featuring tablet solutions
HP Logo HP Reseller featuring desktop and workgroup printing solutions
Xerox Logo Xerox Reseller featuring workgroup color printing solutions
Viewsonic Logo Viewsonic Reseller featuring a full range of monitor solutions
Planar Logo Planar Reseller featuring a rotating multiple display solutions
Novell Logo Novell Gold Partner featuring robust operating system and groupware solutions
Microsoft Logo Microsoft OEM System Builder featuring the full range of Microsoft operating systems and software solutions
Corel Logo Corel Partner featuring the full range of Corel products including WordPerfect
Omni-ts - Your source for Groupwise Anti-Spam, Anti-Virus software on the web.
Omni Reseller featuring the premier anti-spam product GeeWhiz and additional GroupWise enhancements
Symantec Logo Symantec Reseller featuring the corporate anti-virus product and software support tools
(c) Barnhard Associates, LLC 2016